Jarvie Plant Festive Opening Times

Our depot network will be closing over the forthcoming festive period as follows:
Close: 23rd December at 1700
Open: 5th January 2023 at 0800
Depot Operating Hours
Should you require any assistance throughout the holidays or wish to place an order for returning in January, we will be operating a skeleton service to take care of your needs.
Grangemouth: Plant, Accommodation, Vehicles - 23rd, 28th, 29th, 30th Dec, 4th Jan
Glasgow: Plant, Accommodation - 23rd, 28th, 29th, 30th Dec, 4th Jan
Edinburgh: Plant, Vehicles - 23rd Dec
Paisley: Vehicles - 23rd, 28th, 29th, 30th Dec, 4th Jan
Standard working hours 0800 – 1700 will be operated on these days.
Vehicles are to be returned to applicable depots by Friday 23rd December.
Out of Hours Service
As always, we will have 24/7 emergency breakdown cover available with exception of Christmas day (through to 0800 on the 26th) and New Year’s day (through to 0800 on the 2nd.)
To access this facility, contact the Duty Manager on 07801 208100.
Please also remember that if your business is closing down for the holiday period, you can request to suspend the hire charge of certain items for up to 10 working days, provided sufficient security and insurance is in place throughout. Suspension requests should be sent to hire@jarvieplant.co.uk no later than 14th December. Once your request has been processed you will receive a written confirmation that suspension has been granted.
Off Hires
If you require to off hire equipment prior to the holiday period, off hire requests must be agreed with the hire team by noon Monday 19th December to allow sufficient time for collection. Off hire requests received after this date may result in the items remaining on hire throughout the holiday period.
Finally, we at Jarvie Plant wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and look forward to continuing our partnership with you in 2023!